Monday, November 01, 2010


No job is too small for CAPTAIN HINDSIGHT!  (via South Park Studios)

... things would be very different.  As Pamela is fond of quoting, "You live and learn and then there's Luvs."

How different, you ask?  Try this on for size:
We, the undersigned, agree to work together in creating works of art inspired by passion, under the banner of “The Autonym.”

Our participation in this association is entirely voluntary and at will. We owe no allegiance to The Autonym. We are not members of The Autonym. Rather, we align ourselves with each other, as individual artists and with mutual respect.

The Autonym has no bylaws, no logo, and no fixed location in space. There are no dues and no membership requirements.

To become an Autonymic artist, an artist must be invited to enter into this agreement by an existing Autonymic artist.

Individual artists who wish to produce a work of art inspired by passion under the banner of “The Autonym” must work out individual agreements with other Autonymic artists, as necessary. These agreements exist outside The Autonym, and shall not alter, amend or alloy this agreement.

Individual artists may take it upon themselves to establish activities to facilitate the voluntary association of artists under the banner of “The Autonym,” but such facilitations shall be the sole responsibility of the individuals who chose to pursue them, and shall be pursued respectfully in regard to other Autonymic artists.

It is requested but not required that Autonymic artists acknowledge their participation in this agreement with the words, “Produced in Association with The Autonym.”

As “The Autonym” indicates an agreement to work with other Autonymic artists, it is suggested that a work of art produced under the banner ought to have more than one Autonymic artist involved.

Autonymic artists may withdraw their participation in this association at any time, for any reason by respectfully announcing that decision to the other Autonymic artists.

This agreement will terminate one year after the second signature date below. It may not be renewed. Rather, if the undersigned agree to continue working together in creating works of art inspired by passion, they may choose to revive the banner with a new agreement.

Name Signature Date
(* Literally, "A name by which a people or social group refers to itself.")

"The Autonym" is a purposefully artificial construct. It is little more than a statement of intention to work together, and a banner to signal to the public that a particular group of artists has produced a specific work of art.  (It is also one letter off from "antonym."  Make of that what you will.)

It's either about passion and eagerness to work together, or it's pointless. Why settle for a Sisyphean chore when there are many other mountains to climb?

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